
Level 2 Update

**Level 2 Update** Effective Wednesday 8 SeptemberKia oraWe want to update you on the changes to our service for Level 2. Our offices are open and wil...

It is OK to ask for help

The Covid-19 Welfare Card  has all the information required for assistance including financial and accommodation. If you need help with health ad...

Here to Help U

Here to help u' (www.heretohelpu.nz) is the place to go for free wellbeing and social support during lockdown. No barriers, no...

It's Our Business

Preventing Sexual Violence is everybody's business. Tautoko Mai Sexual Harm Support, RespectEd Aotearoa, Safer Communities Tauranga and Western Bay, ...

Partnering with the Safe and Together Institute

We’re so excited that we have delivered the FIRST EVER LIVE Core Safe and Together programme in Aotearoa/NZ in Tauranga last week.  We had ...